Ashe Drop Off And Dmg

Ashe Drop Off And DmgDmg

Ashe Drop Off And Dmg Free

May 06, 2011  The ultimate has a lot of base damage which gives Ashe that little extra burst and CC to finish off you enemies. Runes and Masteries Play around with flat damage, armour pen and crit dmg runes to fit your gameplay! I use flat dmg quints, armour pen marks, mana regeneration seals and magic resist @ lvl 18 glyphs. Apr 19, 2017  Stats Science: Spring Finals Special on ADC Damage. Damage per Minute (DMG/M) tells you how much damage a player has dealt per minute over the course of the season. Don't miss the 2017 EU LCS Spring Finals this Sunday 23rd April, where Zven and Samux will face off in the bot lane and put the numbers to the test.

Ashe Drop Off And Dmg Center

Ashe is, although not necessarily the best, is certainly my prefered ranged DPS character.
I'm mostly just writing this because I find it frustrating to see people playing Ashe with copious amounts of attack speed, hitting twice per second, but still only having 90 attack.
I fully intend to write this guide, based on the assumption that you have knowledge of Ashe's abilities, or the patience to look them up (as the stats you look up will be updated more often than this guide).
Abilities: (
Summoner Spells:
I personally use Heal (F) and my (D) switches, often it's smite or exhaust. I've been thinking of trying fortify though.
Heal: Useful for soloing in mid. If you know they don't have any burst DPS left, wait until you're low on health (100 or possibly less) before using it. Often enough your opponent will assume they've won, heal yourself, and then get those last couple hits you need to kill them.
Teleport: I don't honestly use it that often. People seem to find it useful for maximizing Enchanted Crystal Arrow. I personally don't think it's that great. ECA's shot straight down lanes at such a long range are fairly predictable. Shooting from mid to either top or bottom, although unexpected, you're also far less likely to hit. If you miss your shot, chances are you don't want to teleport in behind it.
Smite: I honestly use Smite a fair bit, between Plentiful Bounty and well, Plentiful Bounty (The mastery, not the skill.) You can get some extra gold. Gold is obviously good.
Exhaust: The only problem is it's short range, it can be great for countering a melee, or another ranged DPS. The only problem I find is that if you exhaust someone, they will flash away immediatley. As opppsed to if you heal yourself, their reaction is usually far less drastic.
Ignite: The range is to short, really cuts down on how useful it is.
All attack speed runes, except for yellow, which are dodge chance. Should bring you to about 31% attack speed, and 7% dodge.
Originally, I went all attack speed. Then when I reached level 30, and realized I had +38% attack speed, I realized that was sort of overkill.
21 9 0
Offense (21):
Deadliness (3)
Cripple (1)
Plentiful Bounty (1)
Alacrity (4)
Sunder (3)
Offensive Mastery (2)
Brute Force (3)
Lethality (3)
Havoc (1)
Defense (9):
Menders Faith (1)
Resistance (3)
Evasion (4)
Nimbleness (1)
I'm well aware I have points put into 3 summoner spells. Basically, I need a 20th point in Offense to allow me to take Havoc. Ability power does next to nothing, so I sacrifice a couple points of ability power, in the name of laziness. I don't have the re-master when I switch between smite and exhaust.
I take the nimbleness just to help live a little longer. You get nearly 10% dodge with the runes and mastery, so a little extra speed is good (Even for chasing).
Mostly, I assume it's pretty obvious Melee DPS choices.
First skill taken is Volley. It's like a free hit, with some extra damage.
From that point, the priorities are.
#1 - Enchanted Crystal Arrow
#2 - Plentiful Bounty
#3 - Volley
#4 - Frost Shot
The odd thing here is probably plentiful bounty. I don't find Ashe has enough mana to both harass with Volley, and make use of ECA and Frost Shot. So I hold off leveling frost shot.
Vampiric Sceptre
BF Sword
Blood Thirster
Berzerker Greaves (You may want to consider Mercury Treads, depending on what the other team looks like.)
Blood Thirster
Next is an attack speed item, Phantom Dancer is prefered but if you find the other team has alot of armor, perhaps Last Whisper. Alot of casters? Wit's End.
5th, build yourself an Infinity Edge (finally).
For your last item slot, you can indeed just go for more damage. often I take Banshee's veil, to help with survivability if someone tries to stun, really depends on what you're up against.
Final item sets usually look something like.
Blood Thirster
Phantom Dancer
Blood Thirster
Phantom Dancer
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer (or Banshee's Veil)

Start yourself off with a Vampiric Sceptre, and run to mid.
Play defensively. Do your best to keep 1 minion between yourself and your opponent. Mostly it just depends on who you're up against. Just play it safe, and keep in mind that you are quite squishy.
Keep farming their minions. Last hit as often as you can, and try and catch their hero with as many of your volleys as possible, obviously attacking them if they step too close.
If you find yourself being harassed, hang back a little further, and auto-attack their minions. You should be able to keep yourself at good health with your life steal (however little it seems like). Mostly just keep farming minions.
When you get your ECA, let your team know. Coordinate with them to help them get a kill. The best chances are obviously when the other team is stationary. Either when they are low health and try and port out, or when they are pushing a tower tend to be your best chances. Always try and keep enough mana on hand to cast your ECA, it's fantastic for counter ganking.
Farm minions.
Before 10 minutes in (likely around 9 if you don't kill any players) you should have enough for your BF Sword. Hooray. You're almost set. If you're having an easy time mid, and don't have teleport, you might consider waiting until you have enough money for a couple items before heading back.
Resume farming mid, but be careful not to push their tower over. Sure it's a free 105 gold, but it's not really worth it. If you're ontop of things, you should be getting more minion kills than your opponent is at mid. More minion kills, and an extra 5 gold a kill, just keep farming middle for more gold.
It's really a bit hard to describe, because there really is nothing complicated about it. Just auto-attack, last hit, and volley when you have the mana/opportunity.
I think having a suitable reaction or plan for situations is important. Really, with an auto-attack hero, I find it can be quite significant.
Q: So I pushed the enemy, and they blue pilled back to heal. Now what?
A: If you really want, push the tower. If you're enjoying your time farming, while the other team isn't calling for a gank (why would they call for a gank? You aren't killing them or the tower.) Pop into your jungle (or theirs if you think it's safe), and kill their wraiths. If you've got your Blood Thirster and it still isn't filled up, you'll be doing another 4 dmg a hit next time you meet.
Early Game Defense
Q: Teemo?
A: If you're against a Teemo, it's best if you keep your ECA for yourself, and not try to help out your other lanes.
Teemo starts with a blinding attack 90% of the time I'd say. (Or a mushroom, but you shouldn't be stepping many places your minions don't).
Can't really do much about that. Hit him with a volley, and get into that exchange of auto-attacks. If he's popped up right beside you, consider ECA and trying to kill him before he can get away.
If he was attacking, it's safe to assume he assumes he had some sort of advantage. Let him pick you down to low health (100 or so), he shouldn't be out damaging you, so by that point, you should both be low. Heal yourself (f), and then kill him. Most people won't react to your heal the same way they would if you exhausted them. They'll flash out when you exhaust them, they often just keep attacking for a moment if you heal yourself. If he tries to run, finish with an ECA.
Q: Tristana?
A: Presumably opens the fight by launching herself onto you. This is actually a bit of a problem, as it's possible to miss with you ECA when your opponent is 'inside' of you. So try and move a little bit after she launches herself. Really, between auto-attack and volley, you should be able to match her damage, or at least come close. Same situation as Teemo, heal yourself when you're low, and with any luck, they won't react fast enough.
Q: Sivir?
A: I wouldn't say Sivir is often a problem. Your ECA won't be much help against her, so you'll probably want to toss that into top or bottom. Just dodge her boomerang, and you should have no issues out damaging her.
Q: Ashe?
A: In my experience, Ashe will try and kill you by hitting you with her ECA, and then running or flashing into auto-attack range. She'll turn on her frost shot, and slow you, so that you can't run. Most (if not all) Ashe players I've encountered build for attack speed, or Level 3 Boots, and an IE. It's the same answer as all other ranged opponents. Make them commit to the fight, and heal yourself as late as possible.
Really, if you're playing Ashe, you know how fight the Ashe you're up against better than I do, as it'll vary depending on their items, etc.
Summoner Skills

Q: Ignite?
A: If you get ignited, don't try and counter gank, just pull back to your tower. If you had more health, you might want to see if you can survive 5 seconds, and heal yourself as soon as it wears off.
Q: Exhaust?
A: This is definitley a weakness of this build, as their is nothing you can do about it, except ECA.
Q: Rally?
A: If they drop a rally, just pull back to your tower.
Q: Flash?
A: This is a problem?
This Guide is Illogical, Plentiful Bounty and Smite Both Suck?
Not particularly. A player kill only gives 300 gold (granted it denies them experience and gold). 300 gold is only 12 or so minion kills though. So just farm minions, and farm them hard. You don't need to kill players to become 'fed' it's simple enough to do on minions alone.
That's all I'm going to write for now, as I think I went off on a number of tangents, and most of what I've written just feels like common sense.

Ashe – The frost Archer guide by IRAQ
Ashe is a squishy hero that most people underestimate because she needs a lot of practice to play effectively. Ashe doesn’t have much damaging abilities like Xhin or Miss Fortune but she got her slow which can be used to deal a lot more damage than most of the other carry’s and it also gives her great escape and chase possibilities. This is a guide to Ashe – The Kiting DPS.
I do not claim to be a top elo player but i hava a great understanding of the game and alot of experiance with Ashe. Please comment and tell me what you think and how you play! Also feel free to add me in game for tips and games.

Ashes passive is giving her crit chance in percentage depending on how long she has been out of battle. This will almost guarantee you a crit in lvl. 1 which gives her the best early nuke in the game with correct runes. The passive stacks up faster depending on your level. This gives Ashe some well needed burst damage and boosted lane harassment.

Frost Arrows

The frost arrows is the main ability of Ashe. It s a toggle that makes your auto-hits slow the enemy up to 35 %. A good thing to know is that the frost arrows do not stack with the item Frozen Mallet.
With this ability you can both chase down almost any enemy and also prevent them from getting close to you, which is a main goal for any carry. Even if you don’t get any good items you will grant your team a lot of kills by simply slowing the enemy your team is chasing. If you combine this with your ultimate you are a pain for your opponents in every battle.
Ashe is one of the best kiters in League of legends due to this ability. You can chase a bit and when they turn back to kill you keep slowing them and runs away, only to pick up the chase again. This strategy will make you land tons of autohits to make up for your lack of flat damage and damaging abilities. This requires a lot of practice and timing to be functional. You need to know Ashes attack animation as good as you know what’s in your pants.


This is the ability that will make your lane opponents go nuts. A low cooldown ability that fires a cone of arrows that make great damage early and is also very useful lategame since it applies the slow from your Frost Arrows on the targets. You will be able to slow and chase the entire enemy team at once. The cooldown is reduced a lot by leveling the spell up but by leveling it up you wont slow that much so balance you level up between you Frost Arrows and your Volley or change level up order depending on the game.
Ashes Hawk is extremely usefull lategame but you should get more than one level in it until you hit lvl. 14 because of long cooldown and high mana cost. The hawk is like a flying ward that you send away a great distance and makes you able to see everything it passes over and were it lands. A great ability to check bushes, neutrals, baron and to combine with your ultimate and give your team an easy kill.


One of the main things with The Frost Archer is to hit your ultimate and use it in the right moment. This ability is a great ultimate since you can defend yourself, chase, save your allies, engage and gank with it if used correctly. The ultimate has a lot of base damage which gives Ashe that little extra burst and CC to finish off you enemies.
Runes and Masteries
Play around with flat damage, armour pen and crit dmg runes to fit your gameplay! I use flat dmg quints, armour pen marks, mana regeneration seals and magic resist @ lvl 18 glyphs. The mr is cheap and effective but you need to save some mana in lanes or simply learn not to waste any mana.
Mana regen runes @lvl 18 is a must though. Masteries should be 21/0/9 or 15/0/15 to improve kiting.

Try to get the mid lane but if your team don’t want you too you need a babysitter or tons of slows/stuns with you. Good lanemates could be Janna, Sona, Galio, Anivia or Mundo.
As a starting item I usually go for a 10 dmg sword only to maximize my early lane domination(and because I like to crit hiiiiigh). I don’t auto attack the minions until after I have blown my crit +volley on the enemy which usually bring them down to around 35 percent hp left. After that they play defensive and allow me to farm and keep them away from gaining both experience and creepkills.You should focus farming more then ganking unless your team really needs help in the lanes.
Try hit your volley every time and don’t waste it since you will be low on mana. If you hit the volley try get close and land a few autohits on them too. When you get your ultimate you should have harassed them enough to finish them off since your ultimate will do 300 damage at rank 1! That is just as much as Kennens ultimate at same rank .
You should have farmed up for a bf sword now and decided depending on enemy team if you will go for Infinity Edge – Last Whisper combo or Black Cleaver – Phantom Dancer. If you need the movement to kite go BC-PD but if things are going well go for IE-LW. Of course you can combine these items differently. If your enemies are stacking armor BC-LW is an option and if thing are going very well and there are many squishies go for IE-PD.
These combinations are what deals the most damage and is worth buying. Some Ashes likes to buy lifesteal but then they trade valuable DPS for durability. If you position yourself good, don’t over extends and your team defends you won’t need the lifesteal.
Stick to your tank or babysitter and gank around with your ultimate. Pick up the lizard buff with your tanks help and laugh at laugh the fed enemy Warwick as he’s trying to get close only to realize he won’t be able to get close and he won’t be able to get away either.
Position yourself good in the teamfights so that you can easily get away if things go wrong. Also remember that you are squishy so don’t chase through the battle. I often wait until the worst abilities have gone off until I engage like Ammunus’s or Morgana’s ultimates. Stay in the back and autohit everything within your range. Even though it is the tank it is better than rushing into the middle and instantly drop. Aim your stun for their carrys and tease the enemy team with volleys and make them overextend while chasing
Ashe is one of the best carrys lategame with correct item build. I usually end up with the items I talked about before changing one of the amour pen items for a Bloodthirster or Starks Fervor, a Banshee Veil and Mercury Threads. I buy lifesteal lategame because it makes such a great durability difference with you DPS output.
• Volley does not reset your auto-attack timer so spam it if you can.
• Harass in lanes by following your enemy all the way to their tower with Frost Arrows.
• Pick up Ghost or Flash to chase and kite more effectively.
• Using your ultimate from spawn and teleporting after it is might be waste but also might give you an advantage of 3.5 seconds stun!
• Farm the first 15 minutes if you can it will make a huge impact on your lategame .
• Use your hawk + ultimate after to easily gank junglers.
• If you have a boring lane try shoot you ultimate from mid to help the lanes.
• Another option in a boring lane is to siply use it and do as much damage as possible even though you cant kill him to get lanecontrol. Arrow got low cooldown and maybe you will be able to kill him next time.
• If your enemys gank a lot you can save your ultimate as a defense. Also buying ward and but them in bushes around mid is a great defense versus annoying Shacos and Rammuses.

What does dmg mean in the division 2. This will invariably mean having an assault rifle, submachine gun, or light machine gun equipped at all times. Your second primary slot can then be filled however you please.Standard rifles are more accurate than automatic weapons and great for both mid and long range, so we tend to stick with one of those.