Grave Bolt Dmg In Mythic

Home >Magic Items >Magic Weapons >Specific Magic Weapons >
d%Designated Type or Subtype
33Humanoids, aquatic
34–35Humanoids, dwarf
36–37Humanoids, elf
38–44Humanoids, giant
45Humanoids, gnoll
46Humanoids, gnome
47–49Humanoids, goblinoid
50Humanoids, halfling
51–54Humanoids, human
55–57Humanoids, reptilian
58–60Humanoids, orc
61–65Magical beasts
66–70Monstrous humanoids
73Outsiders, air
74–76Outsiders, chaotic
77Outsiders, earth
78–80Outsiders, evil
81Outsiders, fire
82–84Outsiders, good
85–87Outsiders, lawful
88Outsiders, water

Aura strong necromancy; CL 13th Weight 1/10 lb.; Price varies; standard slaying arrow 2,282 gp, greater slaying arrow 4,057 gp


This +1 arrow is keyed to a particular type or subtype of creature. If it strikes such a creature, the target must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 50 points of damage. Note that even creatures normally exempt from Fortitude saves (undead and constructs) are subject to this attack. When keyed to a living creature, this is a death effect (and thus death ward protects a target).

Set up an interrupt rotation to ensure Blood Bolt is never successfully cast. You can use Death Grip to interrupt the cast from her Blood Mirror. This boss scales incorrectly with Mythic+ level so a single cast will likely one shot at high keys. (Mythic 0 hits for 23,000. I love the idea of the Warlock's Mystic Bolt but it seems pretty lackluster in the damage department. You can use Deadly Aim of course, but that would mean you can't use your bolts as touch attacks and you're already a 3/4 BAB class. Here you can Buy Tomb of Sargeras Mythic WoW Raid Gear. You will get best in game pve raid gear and achievement for Kil'jaeden Mythic kill!

Mar 13, 2019  Our BFA Affliction Warlock guide for Wow Raids and Mythic+ is live! Patch 8.1.5 just launched and if you like topping dps meters with lots of dots, then this 8.1 affliction warlock guide is for. Mount dmg file windows 8. Blood Death Knight is a strong Mythic+ tank which brings incredible self-healing and the most utility of any tank. The class excels in situations in which you can use your strong personal cooldowns and monster re-positioning abilities to group up and control large groups of enemies, allowing your friends to safely and efficiently attack the stacked group.

Grave Bolt Dmg In Mythical Creatures

To determine the type or subtype of creature the arrow is keyed to, roll on the table at right.

Greater Slaying Arrow

Grave Bolt Dmg In Mythic 4

A greater slaying arrow functions just like a normal slaying arrow, but the DC to avoid the death effect is 23 and the arrow deals 100 points of damage if the saving throw is failed.


Grave Bolt Dmg In Mythic 2


FeatsCraft Magic Arms and Armor; Spellsfinger of death (slaying arrow) or heightenedfinger of death (greater slaying arrow); Cost varies; standard 1,144 gp, greater 2,032 gp


Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL) © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC Stephens, Russ Taylor, and numerous RPG Superstar contributors