How Much Dmg Do Lesion Traps Do

How Much Dmg Do Lesion Traps Do I Need

Jul 27, 2018 This is my current build for Lesion. It kills stuff pretty fast but really begins to slow down around 110's. I'm wondering if there's anything I could do to improve the damage like switch the reach out for something, change the stance to a better one or possibly use a hybrid build.

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How Much Dmg Do Lesion Traps Download

  1. This is a very difficult question to answer. There seems to be two major camps now in the world of cardiology. One camp suggests that too much intervention is taking place, and is often unnecessary. They believe that the heart will develop natural bypasses to counteract the lesion. The other camp believes this is true but to an extent.
  2. To calculate the excised diameter, you should begin with the size of the lesion (2 cm) and add the width of the narrowest margin multiplied by 2 (1.5 x 2, or 3 cm total) for a total of 5 cm (2 + 3 = 5). In this case, therefore, you should report 11606 (Excision, malignant lesion including margins, trunk, arms or legs; excised diameter over 4.0 cm).
  3. It’s a board. With spikes on it. This trap can be placed on any size wall and has a low reload time. This trap essentially does damage every time a husk beats on that wall, but the wall will still take damage. The damage is, unfortunately, low, though so it is difficult to make great use of.
I'm playing a lvl 83 summoner build with dual fire totem. I have 3.9k ES and 2.2 K hp, 4k Armor,24% block chance, 12% evasion and 800+ per second ES recharge rate. I do use lightening warp for movement. The mobs are no sweat. The trap damage is insane and the possibility of a mess up running into a spinning blade or saw blade is great, the molten floors aren't that bad, the spike traps or pressure plates aren't that bad..but for christ sakes this is super tough for the normal difficulty. I am not saying make it easy as it should be difficult, but how the heck do you expect someone of the current level to do this if i can not at 83. To me this sounds like you need to make a character specifically designed with jumpy jump leap slam or other movement types and have 8k Hps. This expansion could be actually worse than Talisman just because of the fact you have to be lucky as all get out to even get to the end..then not die to the end boss or have your map with no exit.
I know all of us do not have the time to play this non stop or for a living, and i will probably get flammed at some point by people that have done this trial with no problem. I think you need to tone it down on the normal difficultly just so you can complete it before you give up on the other difficulty settings lol.
I realize my character could have better ES and Hps but i am geared for Pet and Totem damage and can run most of all the maps to ten or better even if yellow'd without pushing up daisies once.
Personally i think the trials should have been set to specific classes to reflect that classes abilities and possibility play styles. I am not even sure that armor effects the damage reduction from traps, i am thinking NO. Since i have no health recharge as its put into ES recharge i think i am hosed on this. No expecting any answers , i just think this expansion is a mute point and if you are thinking of beating your head against a wall trying to complete this, just forget it . Very frustrating . The game has evolved around a few certain builds that the game and programmers have run out of options to counter to make it difficult as far as mobs goes, so the next alternative was to introduce traps that can only be countered with a movement spell, but even then you are at risk of getting a hard map with little to no safe points, or finding a map that's easier, but just because you get the first 5 locations down doesn't mean the next part you enter will have any or little to non safe points for a 'Warp', 'leap slam', as the programmers can install the traps in a such a fashion and at speed to require you to be 'HIT' and melt.
I think the Labyrinth should have a timer count down to make it more difficult./sarcasm off.
Loading please wait..Camelot Unchained can not get her fast enough :)
Last bumped on Mar 16, 2016, 1:18:05 PM
Posted by
on Mar 13, 2016, 11:28:59 PM
Trap Damage is relative to your HP/ES, similar to Righteous Fire. No matter how much HP you have, standing in the middle of a trap like a doofus will get you killed in no time. Additionally, you can avoid all significant Damage by moving carefully. Don't rush it if you're not strong enough to rush it down. Traps are not the hard part of the Labyrinth, frankly :/
'Personally i think the trials should have been set to specific classes to reflect that classes abilities and possibility play styles'
Classes don't have a specific playstyle, so that would never work. It goes entirely against one of Path of Exile's core designs.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Mar 13, 2016, 11:35:40 PM
Posted by
on Mar 13, 2016, 11:35:25 PM
Ya i just stand on traps like a dofus screw you dick weed.
Posted by
on Mar 14, 2016, 1:25:21 AM
Well what do you want from us then? You've made this long frustrated post about something that's really easy to deal with and shouldn't be causing you problems. You must be doing something wrong, and Vipermagi's post covered everything you need to do to trivialise traps. You don't need high MS or a movement skill. Just play carefully and dodge them if you aren't confident you can run through.
Have you done something awesome with Sire of Shards? PM me and tell me all about it!
Last edited by viperesque on Mar 14, 2016, 1:32:07 AM
Posted by
on Mar 14, 2016, 1:31:47 AM
What Vipermagi is saying is that traps ARE avoidable. If you learn how to avoid the traps, the remaining challenges are Argus and Izaro. If you understand the mechanics of all 3, the labyrinth becomes significantly easier.
Please contact if you need any assistance.
Posted by
on Mar 14, 2016, 1:32:53 AM
Well I agree with what was said to avoid stuff. as an ele witch, it got easier when I started using hybrid armor es chest n gear. For both traps n izar n puppy. First time ever was glad to see ice tomb drop. Seemed to me to make it a lot easier..blash+enfeeble probably had a bit to do with it as well.
I still die to traps but mostly do to carelessness.
Good luck
Posted by
on Mar 14, 2016, 2:26:15 AM
..but for christ sakes this is super tough for the normal difficulty. I am not saying make it easy as it should be difficult, but how the heck do you expect someone of the current level to do this if i can not at 83.

This part is where you are wrong.
Traps are the same difficulty no matter what level you have, because their damage is percentage based.
I think poison darts deal 25% of your life as damage.
So whether you are lvl 80 with 6000 life or lvl 36 with 2000. The amount of damage compared to your max life is the same in that you can get hit by 4 darts in a row and you die (without any heal or regen).
“Demons run when a good man goes to war'
Last edited by Sneakypaw on Mar 16, 2016, 11:54:35 AM
Posted by
on Mar 16, 2016, 11:52:05 AM
i see two problems with this. first problem is the difference between life and es. with my first char, lab was pretty simple. just use your instant pots while the trap is hitting you, easy. with es, you are fucked.
second problem is, low life. only a few might have this problem, i think most go ci or life, but it is there. i made a duo run yesterday and while those spikes took like 2/3 of the hp from my friend, i lost all es. and being low life, loosing all es is pretty devastating. maybe something else hit me, but it seems like trap dmg is based of your maximum, so life+es.
but i ripped in the end, izaro can teleport you around, was pretty fucked on top of a spinning saw..never happend in the 8 runs i did with other chars :D
Posted by
on Mar 16, 2016, 1:18:05 PM

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