Shadow Priest Dmg Guide 7.2

Apr 06, 2017  Hey friends! Here is my Shadow Priest Guide for Legion's Patch 7.2 Follow me on Twitter! Actually, just as a shadow priest in general, I am out of mana more often than not. Also, only reason shadow priests would ever be used in a raid is for shadow weaving (you are basically there so that warlocks can get more damage) So yeah, in PVE raid terms shadow priests are almost useless other than +15% shadow dmg. Dec 16, 2017  +23 Halls of Valor - Shadow Priest - 2 chest - Duration: 35:54. Offen wow 5,875 views.

General Macros

Shadow Priest Dmg Guide 7.2 Download

General macros and templates that you can use to enhance your spellcasting abilities.

Universal Macros

Healing Macros

DPS Macros

Elvenbane’s Personal Macros

These are my personal macros that I use for each spec.

General Macros

Heart of Azeroth Essence Macro

Alt: Self Cast
Mouseover: Cast on Mouseover
Reticle: Cast at Cursor (while in combat)
Default casting behavior. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip.

CC Macros

Clear Focus (shift), Set/Shackle Focus (alt), Shackle Target

Clear Focus (shift), Set/Mind Control Focus (alt), Mind Control Target

Dispel Macro

I use BindPad for this and have it bound to the key to the left of 1: `

Mass Dispel (alt), Dispel Magic (harm), Purify Disease (help, shadow), Purify (help)

Angelic Feather Macro

7.1.5 introduced the [@cursor] and [@player] conditions for reticle targeted spells. The following macro casts Angelic Feather at your feet.

Dispersion Cast/Cancel Macro

Click to cast, Right click to Cancel – You can replace [btn:2] with any other conditional you’d rather use.

Spirit of Redemption Cancel Macro

For whatever reason, Spirit of Redemption is no longer considered a buff and is now a form. You can add any of the usual macro conditions to it if you’d like.

Reticle Spell Macro

This is a basic macro for reticle spells such as Shadow Crash and Holy Word: Sanctify

When the DMG file is opened, it a virtual disk on the desktop and in an Apple Finder window as if it was a or a that was just inserted into the computer.In the Finder window, the Mac user can double-click the program icon, which is an APP file, to run the app. Or the Mac user can drag the program icon to the 'Applications' folder icon to move it to the 'Applications' directory in macOS.After the software stored in the DMG file is installed, the DMG file is no longer needed. Today, software developers typically build and distribute applications for Mac users as DMG, or files. Therefore, DMG files can be deleted after installing the software.While DMG files are Mac-specific and not intended for use in Windows, there are several Windows programs that can extract their contents or convert them to other formats. DMG files are especially common since their contents can be verified upon installation to ensure they have not been tampered with and they can also be compressed to reduce the size of the installer.When a Mac user downloads a DMG file, he can simply double-click it to open it with the DiskImageMounter utility that comes with macOS. Deleting dmg files from download folder

Alt: Cast at Player
Combat: Cast at Cursor
Default casting behavior. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip.

Nochanneling Macro

nochanneling returns false while another spell is channeling. This allows you to prevent spells from casting and is often used to prevent Penance clipping.

Single condition:

Multiple conditions:

Using the /stopmacro variant prevents you from needing to add nochanneling to each condition within your macro, vastly simplifying the construction and cutting down on the number of characters required. It also makes it so you don’t need to specify the #showtooltip as the /cast will do it for you like usual. I personally prefer this method even for single condition macros.

Healing Macros

Base Healing Macro

This is the base macro that all my healing macros are derived from.

Alt: Self Cast
Mouseover Friend: Cast on Mouseover
Target Friend: Cast on Target
Target Enemy Targeting Friend: Cast on Enemy’s Target
Default casting behavior. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip.

Basic Help/Harm Macro

This will cast one spell when mousing over or targeting a friend and another when mousing over or targeting an enemy.

Penance Macros

This is a collection of Penance macros that give you more control of whether or not you’re casting on a helpful or harmful target.

Self (alt) > Mouseover > Target

Self (alt) > Mouseover Help (mod) > Mouseover Harm > Target

Mouseover Harm > Target Harm

Self (alt) > Mouseover Help > Target Help

Carafe of Searing Light

Essentially it’s just combining the Base Healing Macro with the Offensive Macro for Healers, with an added condition that you be in combat for Carafe to fire.
If you need to save space start by replacing “Carafe of Searing Light” with the Trinket slot: 13 – Top, 14 – Bottom.

DPS Macros

DPS Mouseover Macro

This is a basic mouseover macro for offensive spells such as Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, and Void Eruption (Void Bolt)

Mouseover Enemy: Cast on Mouseover
Default casting behavior. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip.

Offensive Macro for Healers

This macro is primarily for healers who want to play Disc but want to play it like a traditional healer. Basically allows you to dps while having fiendly players targeted or moused over.

Mouseover Enemy: Cast on Mouseover
Target Enemy: Cast on Target
Mouseover Friend Targeting Enemy: Cast on Friend’s Target
Target Friend Targeting Enemy: Cast on Friend’s Target
Default casting behavior. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip.


** Important **

Before using these macros make sure you unbind the Action Page 1 – 6 keys in your key bindings. If you don’t, pressing any of the shift modified macros will cause you to change action page instead of casting the appropriate spell.

I’ve included the keys I have them bound to but you can use whatever.

#1 – Leap of Faith (shift+alt), Psychic Scream (shift), Vampiric Touch (alt), Shadow Word: Pain

#2 – Vampiric Embrace (shift+alt), Dark: Void (shift), Mind Sear (alt), Mind Flay

#3 – Power Word: Shield (shift), Shadow Word: Death/Shadow Crash (alt), Mind Blast

#4 – Shadowfiend (mod), Void Eruption/Void Bolt

#5 – Silence (shift), Fade

DPS Potion (ctrl), Dispersion (shift), Dark Ascension/Surrender to Madness (alt), Void Torrent (if in SF/VF), Shadowform


** Important **

Before using these macros make sure you unbind the Action Page 1 – 6 keys in your key bindings. If you don’t, pressing any of the shift modified macros will cause you to change action page instead of casting the appropriate spell.

I’ve included the keys I have them bound to but you can use whatever.

Note: alt click will cast the unmodified spell on yourself. ie Alt-1 = PoM on self

#1 – Leap of Faith (shift+alt), Divine Star/Halo (shift), Prayer of Mending

#2 – Symbol of Hope (shift+alt), Guardian Spirit (shift), Flash Heal

#3 – Holy Word: Salvation (shift+alt), Holy Word: Sanctify (shift), Holy Word: Serenity

#4 – Binding Heal/Circle of Healing (nomod), Divine Hymn

#5 – Heal (shift), Renew

Num- (Number 4 on my Naga) – Desperate Prayer (ctrl), Angelic Feather [@player] (shift), Apotheosis/Holy Word: Salvation (alt), Prayer of Healing


** Important **

Before using these macros make sure you unbind the Action Page 1 – 6 keys in your key bindings. If you don’t, pressing any of the shift modified macros will cause you to change action page instead of casting the appropriate spell.

I’ve included the keys I have them bound to but you can use whatever.

Note: alt click will cast the unmodified spell on yourself. ie Alt-1 = Plea on self

Shadow Priest Dmg Guide 7.2 1

#1 – Leap of Faith (shift+alt), DStar/Halo (shift), Penance

#2 – Rapture (shift+alt), Pain Suppression (shift), Power Word: Shield

#3 – Schism (shift), Holy Nova (alt), Shadow Word: Pain

#4 – Power Word: Solace (shift), Shadowfiend (mod), Smite

#5 – Shadow Covenant (shift), Power Word: Barrier (mod), Shadow Mend

Num- (Number 4 on my Naga) – Evangelism (ctrl), Angelic Feather [@player] (shift), Power Word: Radiance

Below is our guide for prioritizing your abilities optimally. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on. Each rotation list is more of a 'priority list'--in real-time, you'll constantly be determining which ability to use next. Out of all abilities you have available, use the one highest up in the priority list.

Shadow Priest DPS priority involves two phases. The first phase is executed in Shadowform to build Insanity so that you can enter Voidform for additional damage. However, the rotation remains largely the same in both forms.

  1. Shadowfiend on CD
  2. Shadow Word: Pain (maintain DoT See Note 1)
  3. Vampiric Touch (maintain DoT See Note 1)
  4. Void Eruption (See Note 2)
  5. Void Bolt on CD
  6. Shadow Word: Void on CD (See Note 3)
  7. Mind Flay (See Note 4)

You will want to enter Voidform as soon as you can, continuing to follow the above prioritization for generating Insanity optimally.

Note 1: It's generally best to avoid refreshing DoT's when it still has a lot of time left. Try and wait until they are about to expire before refreshing.

Note 2: Casting Void Eruption whenever possible is crucial for being able to activate Voidform in timely fashion.

Note 3: Replace Shadow Word: Void with Mind Blast in this priority list if not using that talent.

Note 4: Channeling Mind Flay is a great filler spell when there's nothing else to do. However, interrupt it as soon as you have something better to cast.

  1. Shadowfiend on CD
  2. Void Eruption (See Note 2 above)
  3. Void Bolt on CD (if in Voidform)
  4. Shadow Word: Pain maintain DoT on multiple targets (See Note 5)
  5. Vampiric Touch maintain DoT on multiple targets (See Note 5)

Shadow Priest Dmg Guide 7.2 3

Note 5: These DoTs are effective up to about 5 targets at once, and should not be applied on any target that will die in less than 8-12 seconds.

Shadow Priest Dmg Guide 7.2 2017

  • Shadowfiend or Mindbender Use on cooldown while Voidform is active.
  • Vampiric Embrace Use at the discretion of your party/raid leader for group healing.