Sto The Best Hig Dmg Torp

  1. Sto Torp Build
  2. Sto The Best High Dmg Torp Bridge

Nov 01, 2018 It depends, there's so much to choose from, and so many special weapons. As a base, beams have wider firing arcs, but do somewhat less damage, while cannons and dual cannons have much narrower arcs, but comparatively better damage and 1 more shot per cycle. Sep 12, 2018  Damage resistence debuffs mean that your weapons deal more damage on the enemy. I use disruptors on my KDF toons and they work very well. Antiproton: Antiproton weapons are currently considered to be the best weapons for high crit builds (I already told you to improve your crit chance). Reputation torp build: just slap the Romulan Torpedo and the Omega Torpedo together and use two copies of Torpedo: Spread or Torpedo: High-Yield, depending on which you like better or the application. The Omega Torpedo's Heavy Plasma Bolt will deal a huge amount of damage (70,000 iirc) so I like it better.

Jan 20, 2018 Hyper-plasma is from New Romulus rep, but it is absolutely one of the best torps for a torp boat given that each of the 3 torpedoes has a chance to trigger torpedo recharge doffs. Cannot open dmg files mac os x.

Torpedo Boosting Consoles and Sets
02-12-2017, 03:43 PM
I saw some people talking in chat about wanting to know more about torp builds and since there's too much info to post in chat I thought it would be better to make a forum post.
Overall Torpedo Boosts:
  • Chronometric Capacitor - Obtained from the mission Time and Tide - +20% Torpedo Weapon Damage
  • Counter-Command Deflector Array - Obtained from tier 2 of the 8472 Counter-Command Reputation - +17.5 Starship Projectile Weapons Training
  • Adapted M.A.C.O. (Fed)/Klingon Honor Guard (KDF) Set - Obtained from the Task force Omega Reputation - 2 piece bonus: +25% Bonus to Torpedo Damage
  • Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly - Obtained from tier 1 of the Terran Task Force Reputation - -.5 Sec Shared Torpedo Recharge Time
  • Terran Task Force Munitions Set - Obtained from the Terran Task Force Reputation - 2 piece bonus: +13.3% Projectile Weapon Damage
  • Rule 62 Multipurpose Combat Console - Obtained from the Lobi store - +11.4% Mine and Torpedo Damage
  • Point Defense Bombardment Warhead - Obtained from the Lobi store - +25% Projectile Damage
Photon Torpedo Boosts:
  • Counter-Command Multi-Conduit Energy Relay - Obtained from the mission Surface Tension - +26.2% Photon Projectile Weapon Damage
  • Protonic Arsenal Set - Obtained from the Dyson Joint Command Reputation -2 piece bonus: +22.9% Photon Projectile Weapon Damage 3 piece bonus: +10% Critical Chance with Photon Projectile weapons
  • Lukari Restoration Initiative Armaments Set - Obtained from the Lukari Restoration Initiative Reputation - 2 piece bonus: 15% Photon Projectile Damage
Plasma Torpedo Boosts:
  • Contractual Agreement Set - Obtained from the Lobi store - 2 piece bonus: +32% Plasma Projectile Weapon Damage
  • New Romulus Command Advanced Prototype Set - Obtained from the New Romulus Reputation - 2 piece bonus: Increased Flight Speed and Defense of High Yield Plasma Torpedo
Transphasic Torpedo Boosts:
  • Breen Absolute Zero Set - Obtained from episodes in the Breen Invasion arc and from the events store - 2 piece bonus: +30.5 Transphasic Projectile Damage
  • Harmonic Resonance Relay - Obtained from the mission Blood of Ancients - +20% Transphasic Projectile Weapon Damage
Chroniton Torpedo Boosts:
  • Temporal Warfare Set - Obtained from the Lobi store - 2 piece bonus: +27.4% Chroniton Projectile Weapon Damage
From what I've found Quantum and Tricobalt Torpedoes have no boosts other than overall torpedo boosts and tactical consoles. There are other ship and faction specific consoles and sets but these should be all the boosts that anyone can use. All values are taken from the wiki and are for the level and rarity items are obtained at.
02-12-2017, 05:04 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2017, 03:57 AM by robonixon.)
Good post. One thing to add - the consoles which provide a raw boost to damage rather than as part of a set bonus can be upgraded to make that boost larger. Set bonuses do not change on upgrade, though, as far as I know.
There are a number of good traits which can be used in torp builds:
Personal space traits:
Projectile Training
Kinetic Precision
Ship Traits:
Weapon System Synergy
Torpedo Barrage
Some less-optimal ones which are here for completion's sake:
Anchored (if you're going for siege-mode torp build)
Intimidating Strikes
Delphic Shockwave
Load Viral Torpedo
Overwhelming Force (doesn't stack with/proc Delphic Shockwave)
Sadly torps are unaffected by Point Blank Shot.
02-13-2017, 04:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 04:31 PM by Bhaltair.)
Interesting Set with Torp: Delphic Applications Set
It doesn't have +Projectile Damage, but boosts Crit, and the Set bonus boosts the Set-Torpedo by giving it High Yield I on proc.
The Console also boosts Exotic Damage and Hull Pen.
02-13-2017, 04:36 PM
(02-13-2017, 04:28 PM)Bhaltair Wrote: Interesting Set with Torp: Delphic Applications Set
It doesn't have +Projectile Damage, but boosts Crit, and the Set bonus boosts the Set-Torpedo by giving it High Yield I on proc.
The Console also boosts Exotic Damage and Hull Pen.

It is a good set for a torp boat but with the exception of the 3 piece bonus boosting the Delphic torp's high yield it doesn't directly boost torps. The console and 2 piece bonus boost all weapons not just torps. If the 3 piece bonus boosted all high yield Quantum torps I would have included it like I did with the New Romulus Command Advanced Prototype Space Set for plasma.
02-13-2017, 04:45 PM
(02-13-2017, 04:36 PM)eaglescoutdjb Wrote: It is a good set for a torp boat but with the exception of the 3 piece bonus boosting the Delphic torp's high yield it doesn't directly boost torps. The console and 2 piece bonus boost all weapons not just torps. If the 3 piece bonus boosted all high yield Quantum torps I would have included it like I did with the New Romulus Command Advanced Prototype Space Set for plasma.

I understand. But as the Beard already mentioned, there are more ways to boost Torpedo damage than just +Projectile.
Also worth mentioning are the unusual Nausicaan and Crystalline Torpedoes.
02-13-2017, 05:58 PM
(02-13-2017, 04:45 PM)Bhaltair Wrote: I understand. But as the Beard already mentioned, there are more ways to boost Torpedo damage than just +Projectile.
Also worth mentioning are the unusual Nausicaan and Crystalline Torpedoes.

You're right but if I included everything that boosts crit or overall damage there would be way too much to read through. The idea here is to list torp specific boosts that you want to start with when putting together a torp boat. If you want to add those sets and consoles to the thread feel free, those just aren't what I was looking for when I put this together.
02-13-2017, 06:11 PM
Got one more for your list: Console - Universal - Point Defense Bombardment Warhead
Fairly new, adds +25% Projectile Damage and +1% CrtH, plus the ability itself is a projectile.
02-13-2017, 06:18 PM
(02-13-2017, 06:11 PM)Bhaltair Wrote: Got one more for your list: Console - Universal - Point Defense Bombardment Warhead
Fairly new, adds +25% Projectile Damage and +1% CrtH, plus the ability itself is a projectile.

Thanks, forgot about that one being a true universal.
02-14-2017, 03:58 AM
I've updated my post with what I think is the complete list, although I may have missed one or two.
02-14-2017, 04:13 AM
Didn't realize how few starship traits there are for torps. Checkmate looks like it's worth picking up the Science Star Cruiser for an EPG torp boat I want to build but none of them seem worth the money or EC it would take to get them for my main torp boat.

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Sto Torp Build


Sto The Best High Dmg Torp Bridge

  • edited March 2015
    Regarding your build:
    It is not recommended to mix energy types. The tetryon tactical consoles aren't going to benefit your plasma torpedoes. You could replace them with tetryon beam arrays. Or keep them. Entirely up to you. You could add plasma consoles but it will reduce the amount of tetryon consoles.
    Where's your RCS Accelerator? The Scim is a beast to turn. You need something to help with that.
    Why dual beam banks and not beam arrays? Dual Beam Banks have a smaller firing arc (90°) than Beam Arrays, but have a higher DPS. Beam arrays have a wider arc and lower DPS. Better to fire continuously with lower DPS and actually hit. (some stats to back this up)
    Your firing arc matters, really, trust me it does. It matters even more on a Scim since your ship is a slow-turning beast. You can also broadside your enemy with fore and aft beams, you can't do that with beam banks.
    Dump the Aux abilities unless you're going Aux2Bat. I think you need more healing abilities.
    I don't see the point of the SIF Generator or the shield refrequencer so I'd replace those with other more useful things - a Borg console and a field generator to boost your shield capacity.
    I'd replace the dispersal pattern with an attack pattern.
    Let me fix your build for you, just a little bit.
    (I am not the Know-It-All of build mechanics but this is what I would do)
    * I've replaced your tetryon consoles with Vulnerability Locators [+Tet] (available from fleet spire). They also boost crit chance.
    If you have your heart set on tetryon, that's fine but why not Romulan Plasma?
    ** Optional: Conductive RCS Accelerator. Costs a ton of money, boosts your turn rate even more. Anything that boosts your turn rate will help a lot.
    Also optional: Plasma-Generating Weapons-Signature Nullifier (a fleet item, available at Embassy) - adds plasma proc to your weapons - also nice. The item to get is Emitter Array [-Th] [Pla] then it turns into that long ridiculous name.
    BOFFS: All Superior Romulan Operative. These are given as rewards as you level. (25, 35, 45)
    BOFF gear while on ground: MACO everything due to the team-wide bonus, which stacks.
  • edited March 2015
    Hello guys, usually I was able to find all the info that I need here but I'm still confused on a couple things. First of all, I was wondering what were the best all around boffs to use. I do not want to buy new boff slots so I figure that I'm going to need to consolidate a little bit. I am planning on buying the liberated borg boff but other than that I don't really have any idea what to get. Also, I'm not clear on the weapons my boffs should use on the ground. For my jem' hadar melee boff, I am going to use the nukara sword, but for all of my other guys idk what type of weapon i should use. In the end I plan on giving all of them reputation items but that will take awhile. On the note of weapons, which weapon should I use? I have the Jem'hadar set so that takes up one weapon slot, but what should i do for the other? I'm getting pretty tired of my borg prosthetic. Lastly, I am unsure about the damage resistance you get from nuetronium alloys and the hull repair from the SIF generator. It doesn't add a percentage and idk what the values are worth and whether they are worth it.
    p.s here are plans I have made for an incoming ship so if you want to comment of those that would be awesome!
    This is still a rough draft and just one of my potential builds. I plan on using this for borg stfs and I know I'm missing the plasmionic leech..idk if i'm going to get it or not

    Ok let's start with your build:
    Dbbs are fine. The most dmg you would probably get with all dbbs but I can see why people want a torpedo. Makes it more star trek and a torp spread is pretty to watch. One problem of torpedos is that there are no consoles that buff your energy weapons and torpedos. I would probably only use one torp and 4dbbs in the front. Also drop the turret in the back and get a crafted omni beam instead.
    As far as consoles go, get the borg console. It is damn good on its own and amazing with the cutting beam set bonus.
    I dont see much point in the sif generator or the shield frequenzer.
    Neutroniums can be okay but there is a lot of better stuff out there.
    Possible options:
    plasmonic leech (one of the best, maybe the best console in the game but pretty expensive)
    tachyokinetic (from the lobi store)
    bountyhunter (from the lobi store)
    there is another lobi console that gives crit sev, i forgot the name
    conductive rcs (it is a crafted turn rate console, ultra rare will have an additional mod that can make this console rather powerful)
    fleet neutroniums/rcs (meaning they are either neutroniums with turn rate, or turn rate with res all)
    for tac consoles you want fleet spire consoles with tetryon dmg and crit chance, if you can get them
    there are probably other options I am not thinking off at the moment
    I would drop the dispersal pattern and get an attack pattern instead.
    Get rid of emergency power to aux, it serves no purpose in my opinion. If you have an aux to bat are you planing on using 3 technicans? Otherwise drop atb, it is only good for the cd reduction with the doffs.
    If you dont want atb you could consider replacing the universal ltc with a sci and get a grav well. If you want it to stay eng you could get aux to sif and reverse shield polarity for example.
    Also if you do not want to use aux to bat and 3 technicans get 3 dmg control engies for your eptx powers.
    You want romulans with the superior romulan operative trait. The trait stacks and gives you lots of crit. It is the biggest advantage romulans have. Of course if you value rp more than dmg feel free to take any boff you want. Also sup op boffs arent that cheap. You could get normal romulan operatives which are not as good but cheaper than superiors.
    Boff gear on ground:
    Well I am not really that much into ground. And my boffs are all stuck with random mk xii gear. My philosophy is: when in doubt give them a minigun. So I am not really qualified to give you advice here I feel.
    These are my thoughts, I hope they help a bit.
  • edited March 2015
    As a Romulan in a Scimi the best boffs you want are any with the Romulan Operative trait as aetam suggested or the ever illusive Infiltrator trait, if it all possible try to get the Superior versions of both. The Operative trait will increase the dmg bonus you get from Cloak Ambush when you decloak, and the infiltrator trait will increase how long that lasts.
    As for their gear it depends on what difficulty you do ground. Just for normal you'll be fine with any Rare Mk XII, so just give them whatever you want. However (sadly) boffs dont work too well with melee weapons, a lot of the time they will just stand around not doing anything. As for what you should use on the ground thats really up to you. Every weapon is different so just make sure that its the best quality and Mk lvl you can get and that you like it. It would be a good idea to have one weapon to expose enemies, and one to exploit the exposed ones. If you plan on fighting a lot of Borg you're going to either want the MACO or OMEGA set or the TR-116B rifle to more easily counter/negate Borg adaptation.
    To check the bonus you get from the Neutronium consoles open your ships status screen (where you see all your equipment) and then go to the stats tab and go down to defense. Remove your consoles and then re-equip them and watch the values under your resists change. Generally with Neutronium you want at least a +26 resist value on the console for high end missions. I also think you should replace the SIF generator with an RCS console to let you turn faster. Also I would remove one of the forward torps and add another Beam bank, but more importantly if you really want to do heavy forward damage then you would be better off replacing all of your beams with Dual cannons.
    Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
  • edited March 2015
    Thanks guys for all the help! I feel like now I can go and set up my scimitar when I get it and get all of things I need! Do you mind if I post some more ideas I have for sets (I plan on playing this game for a long time so more sets seems like a good way to mix it up). What I am confused on though is the science layout..whether I should do polarize hull I then hazard emitters, or hazard emitters or science team. I figure the first is better since I will have more shields but I'm still unclear. Also I was planning on getting the dyson singularity but idk if fleet is better or if it is another just opinion thing
    (Sorry guys but I think the torp would be really good with beam boats)
    I didn't change the tactical consoles on them but you can figure what I would put in
    I also have an antiproton build using the new torpedo from the event but it isn't on the academy and idk whether it is actually a good torpedo
  • edited March 2015
    If you're going for Romulan Plasma, yes get the torpedo from the Romulan rep, it is part of the set.
    (Not the Omega torp. Unless you have your heart set on it.)
    Also get the Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array (for the set).
    (Set is: Romulan Console + Experimental Beam + torp)
    (Note: I have a Romulan beam boat with the torp. It works well.
    I usually don't run torps and beams together, this is the exception.)
    You don't need a Vulnerability Exploiter unless you know what you're doing.
    Those things boost critical severity - there are plenty of things that boost that.
    Get all Vulnerability Locators. Unless your finger slipped.
    Is there a point to the Nukara set when you're not running tetryon?
    I'd switch to Adapted MACO or something like that.
    You want a fleet thoron-infused singularity core. Those things are available at Dyson Spire.
    Thoron-infused cores provide a 10% reduction to energy drain (translation: weapons drain power when they start firing), very useful if you use beam overload. Also a 1% increase to beams and cannons (apparently).
    Preferably something like this:
    Elite Fleet Thoron-Infused Singularity Core Mk XII [SingA] [OLoad] [WCap] [CON] [SSS]
    If it helps, I'm running this:
    (and even I need more things to boost turn rate. I'm not a whale who drops megabucks on the game. These things take time.)
    Hazard Emitters is a form of hull heal (edit: and clears debuffs, yes). I prefer Polarize Hull I and Hazard Emitters II.
  • edited March 2015
    Thanks guys for all the help! I feel like now I can go and set up my scimitar when I get it and get all of things I need! Do you mind if I post some more ideas I have for sets (I plan on playing this game for a long time so more sets seems like a good way to mix it up). What I am confused on though is the science layout..whether I should do polarize hull I then hazard emitters, or hazard emitters or science team. I figure the first is better since I will have more shields but I'm still unclear. Also I was planning on getting the dyson singularity but idk if fleet is better or if it is another just opinion thing
    (Sorry guys but I think the torp would be really good with beam boats)
    I didn't change the tactical consoles on them but you can figure what I would put in
    I also have an antiproton build using the new torpedo from the event but it isn't on the academy and idk whether it is actually a good torpedo

    I would not run beam arrays and a torpedo. Either go ddbs and a torp or cannons. If you want cannons make sure they are dual heavy, not regular dual cannons. It really helps if you don't have to turn your ship. Also you can just throw an omni beam in the rear. What would you rather have, 4dbbs, one omni, a cutting beam and a torp shooting at the same time, or 5beams and a cutting, where you have to turn in order to fire your torp? Also get the cuttinge beam and the borg console. You always want those two on your ship.
    As far as the torp goes, the romulan one is fun especially with projectile doffs. You can pretty much have an almost constant stream of torps. Also there would be the option of the new antiproton torp as you said. But there is no way of knowing yet if the new torp is any good. You could just wait till people have it and provide feedback I guess. Also antiproton would offer the option of 2 omni beams in the back if you ever descide to drop the mine launcher.
    As far as you eptx go, I would either pick 2x epts and 2xeptw or 1epts, 1eptw and 3 damage control engi doffs.
    Here is a draft of what I would do.
    2 console slots are empty, you could throw in whatever you want. You can replace the dbbs with dual heavys and the omni with a turret if you like. And the faws with scatter. You could drop one faw for a spread if you like.
    You could also go antiproton, use the new anti proton torp, maybe drop a faw for spread. Drop the mine in the back an get the ancient omni from the quest. Antiproton is very good choice, especially as a romulan.
    You could also switch everything back to tetryon if you want.
    As far as deflector, engine, warpcore an shield are concerned, it is up to you. It is really nice to have an [AMP] core for some more dmg. Either an elite fleet one, or the kobali for example gets amp if it procs to ultra rare.
    Borg engine/deflector are always a nice for the healing set boni. The kobali also have some hp reg. Generall I choose the engine/def based on the set boni I want.
    Shields are also a personal preference. I mostly use elite fleet shields.
    If you want to keep the nukara set that is fine as well.
    The bridge officer powers assume you are not running damage control engies. If you have them drop one copy of epts and eptw. As I said earlier you could even consider making the uni ltc a sci to get grav well.
    As far as sci powers a concerned, hazard is very important. Not only for the heal but because it clears a lot of debuffs. For the 2nd sci slot there are a few options in my opinion. Polarize hull can be nice, science team is good (especially if you are fighting mobs that use sub nuc), tss is also a nice shield heal that gives some resist. I would say it comes down to personal prefernce.
  • edited March 2015
    As far as deflector, engine, warpcore an shield are concerned, it is up to you. It is really nice to have an [AMP] core for some more dmg. Either an elite fleet one, or the kobali for example gets amp if it procs to ultra rare.

    Romulans don't have warp cores, remember?
  • edited March 2015
    Lastly, I am unsure about the damage resistance you get from nuetronium alloys and the hull repair from the SIF generator. It doesn't add a percentage and idk what the values are worth and whether they are worth it.

    The thing with damage resistance is you have diminishing returns. While the armor consoles might say something like +25 Damage Resistance Rating, that is only the rating. Everything on your ship with damage resistance rating gets added together before it goes through the resistance formula. In the end, +25 works out to 19.9% resistance. Because the formula gives diminishing returns, tossing on a second +25 DRR console (total +50) only increases the final resistance by 12.91% (total 32.81%).
    If you want to play with combinations of armor consoles, abilities, skill points, etc., I have a spreadsheet you can use:
    I hope this helps.

    STO Resources: <Ship Comparison - All Tiers + Small Craft + Hangar Pets> <Damage Resistance>
    <R&D + Upgrade Costs> <Duty Officer Finder> <Suliban Doff Reqs> <Fleet Costs> <Rep Costs>
    <Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>
  • edited March 2015
    first of all there arent a skilltree, but the skilltree is important too.
    overall you might need a lot of help, your build isnt good.
    the build i'm using for my record runs:
    you might wanna watch ryans lets talk videos too, they could help a lot.
    if you need more help, join the channel dps-public or contact me ingame (@Felisean), more infos about the dps chans in my signature.

    ingame: @Felisean
  • edited March 2015
    Romulans don't have warp cores, remember?

    You are right of course :P
    first of all there arent a skilltree, but the skilltree is important too.
    overall you might need a lot of help, your build isnt good.
    the build i'm using for my record runs:
    you might wanna watch ryans lets talk videos too, they could help a lot.
    if you need more help, join the channel dps-public or contact me ingame (@Felisean), more infos about the dps chans in my signature.

    I am guessing there should be 2nd tac team on the ltc tac.
    Also it does seem a bit squishy for pug runs. I get that in a premade team thats not much of an issue but if you faw with that in a pug I doubt you will survive for long.
    Further I assume the op is not here to break any dps records. If he wants a torp, why not.
  • edited March 2015
    You should use your abilities correctly, that mean warpshadows (one of the best pve defensive cooldowns) and heals.
    and if you are using them correctly you would survive
    for doffs => description, i dont need a second tacteam b/c i'm using 2 conn doffs to reduce tacteam cd
    if you want it a bit more defense => 3 dmg control doffs with epts+eptw cycle and replace dem with a2sif or et (a2sif > et)
    if you dont owe 1 zemok => 2x apb1+apo3+2x faw3 or apb1+faw2+faw3+apo1+apo3
    thats only to cycle a apb or apo with every faw every 20 seconds

    ingame: @Felisean
  • edited March 2015
    You should use your abilities correctly, that mean warpshadows (one of the best pve defensive cooldowns) and heals.
    and if you are using them correctly you would survive
    for doffs => description, i dont need a second tacteam b/c i'm using 2 conn doffs to reduce tacteam cd
    if you want it a bit more defense => 3 dmg control doffs with epts+eptw cycle and replace dem with a2sif or et (a2sif > et)
    if you dont owe 1 zemok => 2x apb1+apo3+2x faw3 or apb1+faw2+faw3+apo1+apo3
    thats only to cycle a apb or apo with every faw every 20 seconds

    You don't need a rapid fire or high yield either. So unless you want the additional buff from the conn doffs it would make more sense to bring a 2nd tac team and free the 2 boff slots for something else.
    What also confuses me is the tykens to be honest. I am probably unaware of something, whats its purpose?
  • edited March 2015
    first of all there arent a skilltree, but the skilltree is important too.

    There is indeed a skilltree on the build I linked to. The one I use for that toon, which is likely not perfect but it suits my purposes just fine.
  • edited March 2015
    * for space mix Romulan boff with Nausicaan for pirate traits
    * for ground team I always use :
    Jem'Hadar tactical from Facility 4028 mission
    Borg science from khitomer ground - In case you don't have it I also use the Voth science from voth reputation
    Android engineer from lifetime subscription
    4th boff will be Romulan if I'm playing my romulan toon or Klingon on my kdf toon and whatever you want for a fed
    the Breen tactical you can get in the rerun breen episodes series is good also
    My Dm videos - My Yt channel
    My Wordpress Blog - Blogger
    In Space, drinking or piloting, you must choose ! If you drink, put on the autopilot
  • edited March 2015
    * for space mix Romulan boff with Nausicaan for pirate traits

    Really? A Romulan character with a full SRO boff layout will have about +15% crit and and +38% crit severity. (reddit)
    And Pirate is better because.. ?
    (I'm not trying to be snarky or flame you, I really want to know, just in case I roll a KDF Romulan for instance)
  • edited March 2015
    You don't need a rapid fire or high yield either. So unless you want the additional buff from the conn doffs it would make more sense to bring a 2nd tac team and free the 2 boff slots for something else.
    What also confuses me is the tykens to be honest. I am probably unaware of something, whats its purpose?

    The High Yield and Rapid Fire are used to micro-manage timings for the starship trait All Hands on Deck and to help trigger the Inspirational Leader Trait.
    Tyken's Rift is stacked up onto the Tac Cubes to help bring it down faster.
    Fleet Leader @ The Breakfast Club
    DPS 10k, 30k, 75k, Elites, Prime / G-200, G-400, G-800 Admin
    Youtube - SOB's Casual Corner
  • edited March 2015
    Really? A Romulan character with a full SRO boff layout will have about +15% crit and and +38% crit severity. (reddit)
    And Pirate is better because.. ?
    (I'm not trying to be snarky or flame you, I really want to know, just in case I roll a KDF Romulan for instance)

    ya SRO stack. it's subterfuge that don't stack.
    but where do u get +15% crit and +38% crit sev ? I'm curious
    as 1 Superior Romulan Operative =
    +2% Critical Chance
    +5% Critical Severity
    My Dm videos - My Yt channel
    My Wordpress Blog - Blogger
    In Space, drinking or piloting, you must choose ! If you drink, put on the autopilot
  • edited March 2015
    You don't need a rapid fire or high yield either. So unless you want the additional buff from the conn doffs it would make more sense to bring a 2nd tac team and free the 2 boff slots for something else.
    What also confuses me is the tykens to be honest. I am probably unaware of something, whats its purpose?

    since the trait 'all hands on deck' (5% cd reduction on CAPTAIN!(apa, tf, gdf) abilities every 5 seconds you would use this rapid fire and high yield as trigger abilities for ahod, inspirational leader, predictive algorithms. with these abilitities you could reduce the apa cd down to ~48 seconds from normal 90 seconds.
    but i wrote all of this down to the description.

    ingame: @Felisean
  • edited March 2015
    ya SRO stack. it's subterfuge that don't stack.
    but where do u get +15% crit and +38% crit sev ? I'm curious
    as 1 Superior Romulan Operative =
    +2% Critical Chance
    +5% Critical Severity

    I would assume the people posting on Reddit know what they're doing.
    At least that's the general assumption.
    You could always ask the OP how he or she got that math. (It wasn't me, don't shoot)