90 Physical Dmg Reduction Poe


90 Physical Dmg Reduction Poetry

90 physical dmg reduction poems

90 Physical Dmg Reduction Poem

Jun 13, 2018  The best Minor Pantheon for us is definitely the Gruthkul which offers us up to 5% additional physical dmg reduction +5% possibility to Evade Attacks if you’ve taken a Savage Hit recently 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for every single Hit you have taken Recently as much as a maximum of 5%. Enchantments Helmet For DMG. How does dmg count balance their z axis chart. Mar 09, 2016  a 1000 dmg hit will get a 10% reduction,so you'll get 900 dmg a bigger hit tends to crush your armor reduction percentage. Making armor a valued stats for melee where you take a lot of little hits, that are highly reduced by high armor.

Poe 90 Physical Damage Reduction

I decided this league to play a CI build, and I found the hard way that high ES is not Enough against Physical Damage, I need some kind of layer of defense against it.
Armour and Evasion is out of the question unless I get it from other sources other than gear.
I'm currently using arctic armour, sand and stone, chaos golem and a memory vault helmet for physical damage mitigation. But is there a better way?
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2020, 6:36:46 AM
Posted by
on Feb 7, 2020, 9:10:39 PM
Endurance Charges, Basalt Flask, Fortify vs hits, Phys damage taken as elemental/chaos to name some.
Lunaris + Gruthkul/Tukohama might help, too.
And yes, unprotected ES is worse than unprotected Life in most cases. Youll be about as tough as wet paper.
Last edited by HerrImHimmel on Feb 7, 2020, 9:47:34 PM
Posted by
on Feb 7, 2020, 9:25:02 PM
Posted by
on Feb 7, 2020, 9:31:15 PM
upgraded solaris for pantheon (tukohama for minor)
Last edited by Exxxiled665 on Feb 7, 2020, 9:42:34 PM
Posted by
on Feb 7, 2020, 9:41:07 PM
Look for items that convert incoming phys or non-chaos to chaos, or phys to an element you can reliably get 80%+ res capped
Convert as much incoming phys to an element, this chest converts the element to chaos, ez phys mitigation.
Any of the temple mods on armour, amulet, or belt that grant t1 resist to an element and commute 10% of incoming phys to that element: e.g. Topotante's 46-48% cold resist + 10% of phys taken as cold. Get your max cold resist to ~80% and keep it capped, use the corresponding flasks (aquamarine and/or sapphire), this should help a lot.
o also: having a staunching flask that's not a life flask is important unless you have Zealot's Oath or a no-corrupted blood corrupt on a jewel, or a no-bleeding ring, or something similar.
Most people put staunching on a life flask. If you're Ci then the life flask effect ends when you're full (1 life) so instantly vulnerable to bleeding and CB again. Put it on something else, or get Zealots so your life flask is pouring itself into your prodigious amount of ES instead, giving you full duration.
A basalt or granite or stibnite flask are great for this. Get one that has a long duration, or can stay close to 100% uptime.
That moment when you notice you can support skitterbots with Infernal Legion and EE
Last edited by crunkatog on Feb 7, 2020, 10:40:11 PM
Posted by
on Feb 7, 2020, 10:35:29 PM
Posted by
on Feb 8, 2020, 6:11:38 AM
or get Zealots so your life flask is pouring itself into your prodigious amount of ES instead, giving you full duration.

I've been told dozens of times that health potions don't ever affect energy shield, even with Zealot's Oath. Did this change in the last six months?
Highest Character: Level 92 86% Block/Static Strike Champion - Abyss League
I get bored of the grind around 90, probably won't ever get a higher character.
Posted by
on Feb 8, 2020, 6:24:36 AM
or get Zealots so your life flask is pouring itself into your prodigious amount of ES instead, giving you full duration.

I've been told dozens of times that health potions don't ever affect energy shield, even with Zealot's Oath. Did this change in the last six months?

You are correct. Zealots oath is regen and flask life is 'Recovery' so a life flask does nothing for a CI build.
If it did than the mod 'cannot regen' on maps would make using a life flask useless.
Posted by
on Feb 8, 2020, 6:34:21 AM
or get Zealots so your life flask is pouring itself into your prodigious amount of ES instead, giving you full duration.

I've been told dozens of times that health potions don't ever affect energy shield, even with Zealot's Oath. Did this change in the last six months?

no. people r just dumb

Percentage based life regeneration becomes percentage based ES regeneration based on maximum ES.[1] Percentage based life regeneration can be gained from several unique items and passives.
This will not cause life flasks to recover ES as they give life recovery.[2]

posted by markggg circa 2013
Yes, all life regeneration. Note that flasks and leech, among other things are not regneration.
Posted by
on Feb 8, 2020, 6:36:46 AM