Why Does No One Use Crit Dmg Runes

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No hate-speech, racist, sexist or toxic attitudes. Once discussion moves away from the topic and users start insulting each other, no one wins. This applies to all parties involved. If you use another author's work, always credit the author in all places posted, or ask the author if possible. Relevant Post Flairs and Titles. Full crit damage runes for a total of 45.5% increased crit damage., 1st item Full build: + boots, ga, merc scim, or whatever Laning phase is 100% about cheesing the 4th aa crit mechanic. All you do is stay back, set up defensive zones with your traps, and peg the enemy adc with your 4th a. Aug 22, 2019 Crit Nautilus Top Gameplay! League of legends Nautilus Season 9 gameplay! 🛑Check my 2nd Channel SRO Highlights: 🔔👍LIKE & SUBSCRIBE🔔👍 fo. Garen is one of the most simple champions to play in League Of Legends. He has two abilities that deal damage, one ability to negate damage with and one to finish of the enemies with. However, as with all champions in this game you have to have a little bit of knowledge of which succession to use your abilities in.

With the Crit Dmg Rune build, my main goal is to outlane and outfarm my opponent early on by rushing Cloak of Agility while he goes for B.F. Obviously, his is gonna' take a lot longer than mine and I can reap the benefits of having a Cloak of Agility for the Critical Chance AND Crit Dmg Runes for the additional damage.

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Nice man I'm glad I saw this. I came back to maple recently and was shocked to see zakum. I soloed czak on my 4th attempt but now that I understand it's skills thanks to this video I shouldn't have a problem again. I never realized the jump part was killing me and I also didn't know the arms hit the same spot. Chaos Zakum: Too powerful or at the right level? Over the last few days that they released the update, I noticed that no one mentioned anything about Chaos Zakum. IMO, Chaos Zakum is currently boosted too much and should be nerfed quite a bit because the HP that it has right now is more in-line with bosses in KMS, but not in-line with what we. Dec 12, 2010  Chaos Zakum Drops. Why chaos zakum glitch with dmg lyrics.


Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Bone Plating



Ranked #7 in
Top Lane
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Ability Order


Who am I?

Hello there! My name is Noah and I'm and 18 year old swedish guy. My in-game name is Hisame and I'm a gold 1 player who mostly plays Anivia. However I also play other champions and one of them is Garen in which case I often go crit.

What will you learn?

In this guide you will learn the basics of crit Garen (what to build, right runes/summs and some general tips on how to play Garen this way.

Why do I play crit Garen?

The reason for me playing crit Garen is that it's an extremely enjoyable way to play him. It's also such a dumb way to play Garen that it becomes good XD. In my opinion crit Garen is at it's best now after the Infinity Edge changes which makes him deal true damage.


+Insane damage mid/late game.
+A fun and creative way to play Garen
+No one expects it
+Good on 1v1/splitpushing mid/late game
-Weak to crowd control
-Item dependent
-Difficult to master


Fleet Footwork:
The reason for choosing this rune is that you get sustain in lane and chase potential.
More gold on kill, saves you alot and is overall an amazing rune.
Legend: Alacrity:
More attack speed m9!
Coup de grace:
More damage, what else could you ask for?
Bone plating:
Makes you survive longer in lane due to taking less damage from harass.

Why Does No One Use Crit Dmg Runes Mean

More health early and more damage later. PERFECT!

Summoner Spells

Take it or you're dumb.
Best lategame due to it helping you splitpush better. It also make you have a easier laningphase.
Can help you secure kills. It's not that good lategame tho.
If you wanna spice things up, choose it. It helps you chase easier.


'Garen regenerates 2 / 8% of his maximum health per 5 seconds after not receiving damage for 9 / 4 seconds (at levels 1/11). The regeneration increases to 4 / 16% maximum health per 5 seconds when Garen is below 25 / 50% health (at levels 1/11). Until level 11, the regenerative state will stop if Garen receives damage from any source other than lane minions. After that, Perseverance is also no longer removed by non-epic monsters.'
Garens passive is very good. It gives great sustain in lane and even more in mid/lategame thanks to it's level 11 powerspike. While in lane, after you've done your trading, try to stay away from damage and regain some health. Do the same in teamfights.
Decisive Strike:
'Garen removes all slows on him and gains 30% movement speed for 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 seconds. His next melee attack within 4.5 seconds will deal 30 / 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 (+0.4 per attack damage) physical damage and silence his target for 1.5 seconds. This attack can critically strike.'
Start your combo of with auto-attack and then reset your auto-attack with Decisive Strike. Try to use the silence to your advantage and silence the sh*t out of the opponent with it. The reason for doing this is so that they can't use their abilities on you when you silence them, while you still can use your abilities. An added bonus is that it will remove all of the slows you have on you. If you know your opponent has a slow, save it for after the slow has been cast on you.
'Passive: Garen permanently gains 0.25 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance every time he kills an enemy unit, up to a maximum of 40 bonus resistances.
Active: Garen reduces incoming damage by 60% and has 60% Tenacity for the first 0.75 seconds. For the rest of the 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 second duration, Garen reduces incoming damage by 30%.'
Courage is a great ability. It makes your trades and dives easier and will overall make you more tanky. It will actually make you EXTREMELY tanky even tho you build crit. Also it gives you tenacity so use it right before you're getting stunned etc.
Why does no one use crit dmg runes in minecraftJudgment:
'Garen rapidly spins his sword around his body 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 times over 3 seconds (permanently increases every 3 levels), ignoring unit collision and dealing 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 / 30 (+0.36 / 0.37 / 0.38 / 0.39 / 0.4 per attack damage) physical damage per spin to nearby enemies. This damage is increased by 33% when striking a single target.
Enemy champions hit 4 times have their armor reduced by 25% for 6 seconds (hits after the 4th refresh the duration)Why Does No One Use Crit Dmg Runes
Garen can deactivate Judgement early by activating the ability again after 1 second, which reduces the cooldown by the remaining duration of the spin. Garen cannot use Decisive Strike or Demacian Justice while Judgement is in effect.'
This is the best ability on crit garen. It deals additional damage because of your crit and it reduces the enemies armor. Use this after you've silenced your enemy with Decisive Strike. The reason for using it after is that your enemy won't be able to burst you down with his/hers abilities.
Demacian Justice:
Passive: Garen marks the enemy champion with the highest killing spree as the Villain, causing his basic attacks and each spin of Judgment against them to deal 1% of the target's maximum health as bonus true damage. The mark cannot be assigned to another champion while Garen is in combat with the Villain. If more than one enemy has the same bounty, the enemy who received it first is marked as the Villain.
Active: Garen brings down Demacian Justice on his opponent, dealing 175 / 350 / 525 magic damage plus 28 / 33 / 40% of the target's missing health. If his target is the Villain, Garen deals true damage instead of magic damage.
Use this to finish the enemy when low. Focus the 'villain' most of the times. Easy peasy kills!


Dorans Blade+Health Potion

Dorans for more damage and pot for sustain.

Why Does No One Use Crit Dmg Runes 2

Core Items:
Rush Phantom Dancer due to it's attack speed, passive and crit. AFter that rush IE for 60% crit chance and then rush static shiv to get 100% crit chance. Static Shivs passive also helps you splitpush better. In between Phantom Dancer and IE get either Ninja Tabis or Mercurys Treads.
Choose two:
Usually buy this due to it's passives and the damage and CDR.
This is often my last item due to it's passive.
If I don't pick up Guardian Angel, due to me not needing it for some reason, I usually get this as my last item.
Buy if the enemy has a fed AP enemy with point and click abilities.

Why Does No One Use Crit Dmg Runescape

If you wanna be more tanky and have better chase potential, buy this.
Buy for more burst.
Buy for better splitpushing.


Garen is one of the most simple champions to play in League Of Legends. He has two abilities that deal damage, one ability to negate damage with and one to finish of the enemies with. However, as with all champions in this game you have to have a little bit of knowledge of which succession to use your abilities in. I'll here go thru the only real 'combo' Garen has, if you even can call this a combo (smh).
In this combo you first run up to your target and auto-attack. When the auto-attack has hit, immediately use your Q to reset your auto-attack. Then use your E to spin on the enemy (try to hit only one enemy so it deals extra damage. When the enemy is attacking back at you use your W to negate a bit of the damage so you don't get one-shot. If this combo doesn't kill the enemy finish it off with an R.

General tips

Early and midgame just try to farm up as much as possible so that you'll hit your items at a relatively early stage of the game. To make yourself a bit more useful to your team, try splitpushing while you farm (in the mid/lategame) so that the enemies have to send one or two people to deal with you. You will be an amazing splitpusher after you've gotten 100% crit which includes Static Shiv, which makes your waveclear even better.
So you may ask, what do you to in teamfights? Your role in teamfights is to play as a semi-assassin/distraction, that if you're lucky enough not to get CC:ed on your way there, will destroy their backline.

Some last words

Well guys and girl, I really hope you enjoyed reading my guide of crit Garen. It was really fun to write it and I would be very happy if you left a comment on what I should add/change in this guide. I also have a twitch (www.twitch.tv/hisametv) where I stream sometimes. I usually play Anivia but I will sometimes play other champions (like crit Garen). By the way, there's one more thing to remember to do when you play crit Garen, and that is to spam your level 7 emote and write 'ez' or 'ez pz' every time you get a kill.

Why Does No One Use Crit Dmg Runes 2017


Why Does No One Use Crit Dmg Runes 1

Some more notes on this:
The lower the target's armor is, the more effective armor reduction and penetration are (until you have penetrated to zero). The more armor penetration/reduction you get, the more effective each point of armor penetration you have is. This means, while Crit Damage may be better than Armor Penetration at 200 armor WITH NO OTHER PENETRATION/REDUCTION, if you add in something like Last Whisper (which is pretty much necessary on any physical attacker, especially if they have 200 armor), you increase the required armor to make Crit damage better to something like 330.
The other thing worth noting is that Armor Penetration only has an effect up until it reduces their armor to 0. As most champions start with something like 14-18 armor, this means that Crit Damage might be more effective at level 1. However, if you do the actual math for Shaco:
50 base damage + 20 from potion, 250% crit damage on deceive, (283% with crit damage runes), more armor penetration than they have armor (call it 14 armor), you get 175 net damage with Armor Pen and 173 with Crit Damage.
In short, stop ever suggesting crit damage on anyone.
Also, mad props to EnderA for posting this thread.