Will Zed Ult Count Shielded Dmg

Generally speaking, zhonyas, QSS counter Zed
So if you are an ADC or AD mid laner you can counter him with QSS
If you are an AP mid laner you can buy zhoyas to counter Zed
Here is a list of common mid laners and their standing against Zed
Just don't play:
Annie (Zed is too fast at damaging you, drag the game out if you can)
Brand (dodges stun easily, wait for late)
Heimerdinger (he roams on you, hard)
Karthus (you have nothing to stop his damage)
Lux (read karthus)
Ryze (read Lux)
Morgana (all physical damage and can dodge stun w/ a well time ult)
Viktor (damage is too slow)
Xerath (damage is even slower, just ult roam)
Zed (mirrors are always hard, Zed mirror is harder)
Ziggs (stand way back mid game, drag into late, help your team with R)
Zyra (CC and Damage is too slow)
Twisted Fate (Feint your gold card or lose, damage is to slow, you roam harder though)
Gragas (you'll land nothing)
Kassadin (just roam)
Orianna (safe in all matchups, ever)
Velkoz (safe champoin in general aswell)
Syndra (Stun combo or /FF)
Ahri (Charm or /FF)
Leblanc (skill intensive)
Lulu (shouldnt die in lane, save you carry)
Nidalee (large opportunities between deathmark cooldowns, otherwise GG)
Talon (maybe, RIP Talon)
Vladimir (don't die to deathmark)
Zilean (save the carry, thats it)
Yasuo (need to win lane or have knock up comp)
Kayle (nerrfed too hard to kill zed, just save your carry)
Veigar (he builds QSS if you ever get big and ults your R)
Safe picks:
Akali (more roam, easy zhonyas rush)
Anivia (passive OP)
Cassiopea (skill intensive)
Diana (tankier in teamfights, zhonyas rush, equal roam)
Fiddlesticks (Zhonyas rush is standard, equal roam)
Fizz (zhonyas second, way more roam, way more teamfight)
Galio (lane bully, carry saver)
Lissandra (skill intensive)
Malzahar (Press R, watch zero counterplay, less roam)
Jungle these champions to counter Zed:
Warwick (press R, watch zero counterplay happen)
Pantheon (easy stun, early power)
Wukong (huge disruption ult)
Xin Zhao (^)
Lee sin (ult zed before he can land a W near your carry)
Nautilus (God mode that Q and Zed is done for)
Maoki (Zed may power through your cc)
Hecarim (If Zed dodges your ult its over)
Amumu (Q+R will do it)
Now go play some Zed, or wreck some Zed.
Edit: forgot TF, Gragas, Veigar, Velkoz
Edit 2: Cleanse doesn't remove damage debuffs, neither does Gang Plank.

  1. Will Zed Ult Count Shielded Dmg 3
  2. How Does Zed Ult Work
  3. Will Zed Ult Count Shielded Dmg 1

Will Zed Ult Count Shielded Dmg 3

Will Zed Ult Count Shielded Dmg

How Does Zed Ult Work

Aug 13, 2014  Sivir has to use her spell shield when Zed casts his ultimate. If she does, then Zed's ult is completely nullified, meaning he doesn't jump to you, no shadow will appear, and no mark will be on Sivir. However, if you use spell shield after the mark is on you to try and block the damage, that will not work. Mar 19, 2014  Interesting thing is, LB is an AP Zed for what concerns her mobility, they both have interestingly similiar mechanics, usually AD have the advantage as they got lifesteal, plus Zed has energy and LB goes OOM quick. The counter part might be only because of what i said about dodging her spells with ult and Zed can match her mobility as well.

Will Zed Ult Count Shielded Dmg 1

First Cast: Zed's Shadow dashes in the target direction, remaining in place for 5 seconds and being able to mimic Razor Shuriken and Shadow Slash while in range of each other. Zed restores energy whenever a Shadow lands a mimicked ability on the same target he does. This may only happen once per cast ability.

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